FOLD BACK PAGE FOLD FOLD FOLD PAGE 5 FRONT PAGE Heat at the wound site Discharge of fluid may be green or yellow Odour or smell from the wound Feeling of being generally unwell Fever or temperature Measures To Promote Wound Healing Aim to follow a well balanced diet to promote wound healing Protein fats and carbohydrates as well as the nutrients vitamin A vitamin C iron and zinc are particularly important to promote wound healing Protein can be found in meat fish eggs milk cheese yoghurt beans and pulses Vitamin A can be found in liver fortified milk carrots turnips and leafy green vegetables Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits potatoes and leafy green vegetables Iron can be found in liver red meat and leafy green vegetables Zinc can be found in fortified cereals red meat and leafy green vegetables If you are on a special diet or have any queries please discuss with your doctor nurse or dietician WOUND CARE If you feel you are not getting enough nutrition a multivitamin may be useful It is also advisable to give up smoking as smoking interferes with wound healing If you have any questions or think you may have developed an infection in your wound please contact your doctor or nurse for advice PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET Beacon Hospital Sandyford Dublin 18 D18 AK68 Tel 01 293 6600 www beaconhospital ie FOLD FOLD FOLD FOLD THIS IS MODERN MEDICINE
PAGE 4 FOLD FOLD PAGE 3 FOLD FOLD PAGE 2 WOUND CARE PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET As you are leaving hospital with a wound post surgery there is a risk of infection Infection can lead to increased pain or breakdown of the wound This information leaflet contains advice on how best to care for your wound at home to minimise the risk of infection Keep the dressing in place while showering Please Note Caring For Your Wound After showering remove the wet dressing and discard safely Dressings should only be changed in the first 24 hours if stained Use a clean towel to dry the skin around the wound gently Do not rub the suture site pat dry Stitches staples clips are to be removed after approximately 7 14 days There may be steri strips over the wound which are there to reinforce the sutures under the skin These may be removed after approximately 7 10 days Please leave the dressing in place for 2 to 3 days For orthopaedic patients this can be 5 10 days post operatively as instructed by the consultant or the orthopaedic liaison nurse Please liaise with your nurse prior to discharge for advice on this When the time comes to remove your dressing carefully follow the instruction below Apply a new clean dressing Ensure the entire wound is covered Date for removal of staples sutures ______________ by please circle as appropriate Always wash your hands after changing dressings GP Dressing Clinic Do Not Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least one minute before removing your dressing Consultant Do not interfere with the dressing scratch the wound or apply any creams to your wound Doing this may increase the risk of infection Use a clean towel to dry around the wound following your shower and pat dry do not rub the suture site Convalescence Centre for Orthopaedics Do not use plasters on the site as they may retain moisture Leave the area open to the air if absorbable sutures are in place or cover until the stitches staples are removed Signs of Infection Do not use the same towel for drying the skin around the wound as you use for drying the rest of your body A fresh towel should be used each time you shower to dry the suture site Do If you develop any of the following signs of infection it is important to report them to your GP or your Consultant The signs of infection include Redness around the wound site Where possible do not crease the dressing as this may lead to blistering Showering is preferable to bathing Bath water may increase the risk of infection Increased pain in the wound FOLD Swelling around the wound FOLD FOLD FOLD Do not swim until advised to do so is safe