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Rapid Access Cardiology Clinic

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RACC RAPID ACCESS CARDIOLOGY CLINIC PATIENT INFORMATION AND FAQ S Rapid Access Cardiology Clinic RACC Our Rapid Access Cardiology Clinic RACC is located in our new state of the art purpose built non invasive cardiology unit This unit is on the second floor of Suite 35 directly opposite Beacon Pharmacy in The Mall This unit is open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and o ers direct access to a Cardiologist and cardiac testing without the need for patients to go through the Emergency Department The RACC is run by our experienced team of Consultant Cardiologists Cardiology Clinical Nurse Specialists Cardiac Physiologists and Radiographers Who Can Attend the RACC The RACC provides easy access to expert assessment and investigation for patients presenting with Chest Pain Palpitations Arrhythmia Shortness of Breath Uncontrolled Hypertension Heart Failure Cardiac Screening for peace of mind or for those who may have a family history of cardiac related issues What Tests Does the RACC Provide Your consultant will decide on the specific tests required based on each individual case to rule out or diagnose cardiac disease

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The following tests are available in our RACC Blood Testing Stress Testing Echocardiogram Echo Electrocardiogram ECG Blood Pressure Monitor Holter Monitor Pacemaker checks if applicable Please note if you are fitted with a holter or blood pressure monitor to wear at home you must drop this back to the hospital on time on the agreed date This must be dropped in person and not posted What is the Cost to Patients The maximum cost to patients is 695 Tests are individually billed and a cap of 695 comes into place in the event the cost exceeds 695 You may be able to claim a percentage of the costs back from your health insurer depending on your individual policy You can check this directly with your private health insurance provider How to Make an Appointment GP referral is not required for this service Appointments may be booked directly by the patient or by their GP To make an appointment phone 01 293 6694 Opening Hours The RACC is open from 6am until 8pm Monday to Friday Patients should arrive 15 minutes prior to their designated time slot and should allow 3 to 4 hours for their appointment

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Beacon Hospital Sandyford Dublin 18 D18 AK68 Tel 01 293 6600 www beaconhospital ie Version 3 9 2023