Be Nice To Your Hands It is important that you care for your hands Always cover any cuts with a waterproof plaster When you can apply hand cream as this protects your hands and helps prevent dryness and chapping Further Information Beacon Hospital staff are all trained in hand washing techniques and will not be offended if you ask them whether they have clean hands Our staff will be happy to show you how to wash your hands efficiently direct you to the nearest washing facilities or provide you with alcohol gel or wet wipes If you require any further information on hand hygiene please ask a member of staff HAND HYGIENE PATIENT INFORMATION AND FAQ S Beacon Hospital Sandyford Dublin 18 D18 AK68 Tel 01 293 6600 www beaconhospital ie
HAND HYGIENE PATIENT INFORMATION AND FAQ S Why Is Hand Hygiene So Important Hand hygiene is one of the simplest and most effective ways to control the spread of infection in hospitals and healthcare settings However hand hygiene is often neglected or carried out poorly Every patient visitor and staff member can help to stop the spread of infections such as Gastroenteritis Vomiting Bug or Flu Unfortunately we cannot see these germs bacteria and viruses with the naked eye Hands will pick up germs and even though hands may appear to be clean the germs will be there Also remember These germs can be easily removed by hand hygiene Top Tips For Cleaning Your Hands If you are washing your hands wet them thoroughly with water before applying soap Rub hands together to work up a lather with the soap All surfaces of both hands should then be vigorously massaged with the lather Remember to pay special attention to the finger tips thumbs and between the fingers as these areas are frequently missed If you wear a ring it is important you wash underneath it by moving the ring as you wash Make sure you rinse all the soap off your hands under running water and then dry your hands thoroughly Don t forget to dry under your ring It should take around 1 minute to wash and dry your hands Alcohol Hand Rubs Alcohol hand rubs are available in all patient rooms and at the entrance of every department in Beacon Hospital Remember After visiting the toilet Before eating or handling food Before touching your dressing or your wound After visiting a patient or when leaving the healthcare setting Alcohol hand rubs should only be used if your hands look clean Apply one or two squirts to the palm of your hands Rub the solution into all areas of your hands Continue rubbing until your hands are dry Alcohol hand rubs are not sufficient for cleaning your hands after using the toilet Wash your hands with soap and water if you are experiencing gastrointestinal disturbances i e vomiting or diarrhea Most Frequently Missed When To Clean Your Hands Please perform hand hygiene As soon as you come into the healthcare setting or before you visit a patient Frequently Missed Less Frequently Missed Whenever you see your hands are dirty Infection Prevention Control Team August 2022 After blowing your nose This leaflet is adapted from the information leaflet produced by the HSE www hse ie