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Breast Core Biopsy

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BREAST CORE BIOPSY PATIENT INFORMATION How Can This Procedure Help When a potential abnormality is identified in the breast it may be necessary for a small piece of tissue to be removed and sent for analysis Laboratory analysis can help to determine what this abnormality is and if it could be cancerous A sample may be taken from the lymph nodes under the arm also What Happens During The Procedure The breast and the underarm are cleaned with antiseptic before the skin is numbed with a local anaesthetic administered through a small needle This may sting for a few seconds until it kicks in A tiny incision is then made in the skin through which the biopsy needle is placed The biopsy needle makes a small noise as it takes the sample but does not cause any pain Two or three small tissue samples will most likely be taken to give the lab adequate samples for an accurate diagnosis Once the needle has been removed a paper stitch is placed over the incision with a dressing placed over this Are There Side Effects The most common side e ect after this procedure is bruising in the area from which the biopsy was taken More serious side e ects such as infection are extremely rare Are There Any Precautions For After The Procedure It is advisable to avoid lifting heavy objects or playing active sports for the first 24 hours after the procedure The area where the biopsy was taken from should be kept clean and dry during this time After 24 hours the dressing can be removed The paper stitch should be left to fall o by itself in time

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Will I Need Pain Killers Afterwards For the majority of patients paracetamol is enough to ease any discomfort after the procedure Please mention to your doctor if you are not able to take paracetamol for any reason When Will I Get The Result A member of Beacon Hospital s breast care team will be in touch within a week to arrange for you to get your results Will I Have To Give Consent For This Procedure The team will confirm that you have read and understood the procedure information You will have the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have Once you are happy for the test to go ahead you will be asked to sign a consent form The choice is yours but please note that we only recommend a biopsy when it is a essential in helping us to properly evaluate the abnormal area Abnormality Ducts Mammary Gland Ultrasound Head Lymph Nodes Biopsy Needle Further information If you require any further information contact you GP or Breast Care Service Breast Administration 01 293 8686 Breast Nurse 01 293 6643 This leaflet is adapted from the information leaflet produced be HSE www hse ie January 2019 Version 2

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Beacon Hospital Sandyford Dublin 18 D18 AK68 Tel 01 293 6600 www beaconhospital ie