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Breast Awareness

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BREAST AWARENESS PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET How To Examine Your Breasts With fingertips close together gently probe each breast in one of these three patterns 6 Steps to Keeping Healthy Weight Management be a healthy weight for your height Stop Smoking Limit alcohol intake to the recommended guidelines Be physically active Half an hour exercise per day helps to keep the body fighting fit Eat a healthy balanced diet Stay safe in the sun use sunscreen and clothing to protect your skin Stay out of sunlight during the hottest part of the day

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Facts about Breast Cancer Breast Cancer is one of the most common cancers a ecting Irish women Though both men and women can develop Breast Cancer women are mostly a ected So What Increases Your Risk of Developing Breast Cancer Being female Increasing age Previous Breast Cancer HRT women on longterm HRT are more likely to develop Breast Cancer Smoking Excessive alcohol consumption Being Overweight Not getting enough exercise Starting your periods early in life Having a later menopause Not having children or having them later in life A family history of Breast or Ovarian Cancer Know How to Examine Your Breasts Self examining your breasts at the same time each month will help you identify any changes If pre menopausal it is advisable to check the breasts one week post menstruation Know what is normal for you Know the changes you should look out for Examine and look at your breasts regularly If you notice any changes discuss these with your GP without delay Attend routine breast screening from age 50 Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer Lumps in the breast Any size of lump or a thickening or mass in your breast Changes in the skin of the breast for example dimpling puckering or redness Bloody discharge from the nipples Any changes on or around the nipple This includes flaky or crusting skin rashes change in direction texture or shape Swelling in surrounding areas such as the armpit chest area lower neck or collar bone Changes in shape of size or the breast

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Breast Centre Information Beacon Hospital Breast Centre is home to 2 Consultant Breast Surgeons 3 dedicated Breast Care Nurse Specialists Beacon Hospital Breast Centre is a private breast clinic that was established in 2008 We provide all our patients with swift access to our triple assessment clinic and specialist team of Consultant Surgeons Consultant Radiologists Consultant Pathologists Radiographers and Breast Care Nurse Specialists ensuring delivery of the highest standards of care At the Breast Care Centre we have the most technologically advanced Radiology Systems featuring Digital Radiology Suites with advanced Mammography and Ultrasound Throughout the week we run triple assessment clinics whereby patients who are referred to us by their GP will meet all the necessary disciplines on the day and have all necessary tests requested Triple assessment involves clinical examination by a Consultant Breast Surgeon followed by imaging to include mammogram ultrasound and biopsy where necessary Patients of Beacon Hospital s Breast Centre may be discussed at our weekly multidisciplinary team meetings MDTs Patients who have a diagnosis of breast disease have access to a multidisciplinary team of experts including surgery medical oncology radiation oncology reconstruction and physiotherapy Beacon Hospital Breast Centre Tel 01 293 8686 E referrals are also available on beaconhospital ie Version 2 01 2023 Beacon Hospital Sandyford Dublin 18 D18 AK68 Tel 01 293 6600 beaconed beaconhospital ie www beaconhospital ie